We give our clients personal attention, care, concern and consideration in a cost-competitive manner. We strive to provide a professional and specialised accounting and taxation service to both individuals and business clients, through continuous training, education and knowledge sharing.
We are a proactive, trustworthy and knowledgeable partner for your business.

Compliance Services
Bookkeeping and accounting.
Monthly management accounts (measure your business’s performance).
Statutory registrations and SARS returns:
VAT, INCOME TAX, PAYE, UIF, SDL (EMP201), IRP5, EMP501 bi-annual reconciliation, Workmen’s Compensation, CIPC annual returns, Provisional Tax, Donations Tax Returns, Dividends Withholding Tax. -
Company registrations – including share registers, share certificates, memorandum of incorporation.
Income Tax – companies, close corporations, trusts and individuals.
Tax clearance certificates.
Promotion of Access to Information manuals.
BEE Affidavits for exempt micro enterprises.
Payroll administration and services.
Accounting Officer engagements (close corporations and companies).
Annual financial statements – Sole Proprietors, Partnerships, Trusts, Body Corporates, Non Profit Organisations, Close Corporations, Private Companies.
Company and Close Corporation CIPC services – Conversions, Change of Membership, Change of Directors/MOI/Shareholders, transfer of names.
Preparation of working paper files for auditors.
Business Services
Independent Review engagements.
Business financial analysis.
Tax consulting.
Business consulting and advisory.
Business advisory and consulting regarding business acquisitions and sale of businesses.
Set-up accounting systems and controls.
Agreed-upon services (ISRS 4400), for example, turnover verifications, cash flow investigation, etc.
Value Added Services
Financial analysis and business consulting.
Business valuations.
Letter of earnings.
Business plans, budgeting and cash flow projections.
Tax health checks – mitigate against tax risk.
Pastel sales, support, installation and set-up of the full Pastel Accounting range, as well as customised individual training.
Stanton & Associates currently has over 450 clients and is growing constantly. Our clients range from individual income tax return submissions to full accounting functions and independent reviews of sole proprietors, close corporations, non-profit organisation and private companies.
We are also proud to be an accredited training centre with the Financial Seta, Fasset and also with SAIPA, where we train graduates to become Qualified, Professional Accountants.
Our fees are based on time spent at very competitive hourly rates, which vary depending on the nature and complexity of the services required.
Certain services are charged at fixed prices. Please email us for a copy of our current year's rates for our fixed charges.
Our rates increase annually on the 1st January.
Please note, our fees do not cover certain stationery expenses, which are billed to the client at cost and the time billable includes travel time where less than 7 hours is worked in one day (billable time accrues from the point we leave our office until we return).
In certain circumstances, you may also apply to have a fixed monthly fee. Please note that this is at the sole discretion of Stanton & Associates and is subject to review if the volume of work changes substantially over time. This is only offered to loyal clients who have been with us for longer than 1 year.
We will endeavour to agree on the service and fee with the client before any work is commenced. In most cases, all work in progress will be billed at month end, regardless of whether the project is completed or not. We may also require a deposit against anticipated fees prior to the commencement or continuance of the project or assignment.

Stanton & Associates is not just a professional practice; it is also a dynamic learning environment.
We recognise that in order to excel, we have to keep learning and be mindful of the changes that affect us; from new tax legislation to developments in IT to the challenges caused by the complexities in our unique socio-economic environment.
We are looking to nurture like-minded students who have a passion for learning and who are interested in looking after our clients, in all aspects of their business.
We offer a 3 year SAIPA Learnership for students that have completed their Accounting Degree or for those currently studying part-time towards this goal.
After writing the SAIPA board exam, students will be qualified as a Professional Accountant in Practice (NQF Level 8) and they will enjoy all the benefits of being a member of the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA).
To meet SAIPA’s academic requirements for membership, you must have the following core subjects:
Financial Accounting 3
Auditing OR Internal Auditing 2
Corporate Law OR Commercial Law2
Management Accounting
Please visit the SAIPA website www.saipa.co.za for more information.
Should you be interested in a 3 year SAIPA Learnership and starting your career with us, please send us a copy of your CV together with your academic transcript and motivation as to why you would like to become a Professional Accountant to cynthia@stantonassociates.co.za
Our team consists of 2 qualified and registered Professional Accountants, 5 degreed trainee accountants, 3 trainee accountants in the process of obtaining their degrees, an office administrator, a casual domestic cleaner and a general maintenance person.

My name is Cynthia Stanton
I studied at University of Natal and Unisa.
I qualified with Bcom degree with an Accounting and Marketing Major, and Higher Diploma in Taxation. I am a registered Tax Specialist
My previous work experience has been as a Cost Controller at the Toyota Manufacturing company, interesting jobs in the UK and Europe like picking grapes and tomatoes on a farm in France, filing in Scotland Yard, Secretary for the Daily Mail in Fleet Street, Telex operator for a promotions company in Soho, as well as working as a teller in the bank.
I love accounting because its interesting, varied and continually changing. I love working with figures and especially managing of money with the goal of saving as much as a can wherever I can within a legal framework. This position ticks all the boxes which I find interesting as well enabling me to work with bright young minds and with interesting clients and their businesses. But I am careful not to let this interest be my all-consuming interest.
When work is over my favourite activities are hiking in the Kloof Gorge, walking my dog, reading, cycling on the beachfront, spending time with my family and friends, exploring interesting countries.
My favourite quote is from Dalai Lama about humanity: “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”
My name is Danielle Kent
I studied at The University of Natal and through Unisa, and qualified with a Social Science Degree in Anthropology and Industrial Psychology. I then went on to study a BComm, majoring in Accounting, Entrepreneurship and Business management
I love accounting and my job because it is dynamic, always changing and there is always something new to learn. I am also able to be a small part of my clients business as well.
When work is over my favourite things to do are read, drink wine, eat chocolates & bake cakes (and play peek-a-boo with my beautiful daughter!)
My favourite quote is: “This too shall pass” & “Gratitude changes everything”

My name is Nhlakanipho Mbokazi but most people call me Sosi
I studied at University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, I am not qualified yet but am working very hard towards it!
I am currently studying Bachelor of Commerce in accounting with one outstanding module auditing which gives me a headache.
I love accounting because I enjoy understanding how business works.
When work is over I am passionate about helping out in my home town of Pongola. I help people with their taxes and accounting needs.
My favourite hobbies are soccer, cricket and tennis.
I would be lying if I say I do not like food. I eat everything.
My name is Bhavana Srinath
I have completed my Bcom Accounting degree at UKZN. I am currently training to become a professional accountant.
I love accounting because I enjoy working with numbers and I find accounting very interesting. When I’m not working I like to get involved in Arts& Crafts, especially little DIY projects.
My favourite food is curry and roti, I love spicy food. My favourite quote is by Mother Teresa , who whole heartedly gave free service to the poorest of the poor, “loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty”

My name is Happiness Zwane
I studied at the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal and obtained my BCom and Post graduate Diploma in Accounting.
I love accounting because it fits into every industry and makes me learn about the different types of businesses. When I am not working I go to church, spend time with friends and family. I love to laugh and enjoy food.
My favourite quote is from the Bible, book of Ecclesiates 9v10 " Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom"

My name is Wendy Mandisa Ngcobo
I studied at the Durban University of Technology where I obtained my National Diploma in Internal Auditing with cum laude and went further to obtain my BCom with cum laude.
I am passionate about accounting because it is practical and you get to work with various clients and help them. I love to expand my accounting knowledge each and every day. When I am not working, I love to be with my family and friends. I also enjoy eating out, going to movies and achieving the challenges of phone games.
My favourite quote is " It's okay to love yourself! There's nothing wrong with that. That's who you're supposed to love' - Zendaya

My name is Debbie Millar
I am the admin administrator and work at reception. I absolutely love working with people, and enjoy being apart of a great team. My position is so interesting and very varied, and I keep learning everyday. My passions are gardening, walking and I am a crafter.
My favourite quote is "Whatever you do in life, do as unto the Lord" - Colossians 3:23-24.
Suite 6, Block A
The Brook Office Park
2 Old Main Road, Gillitts
(031) 762 1866
(031) 813 9900